![]() | better put some words in here before it gets really rusty... ever since school starts... my life has been filled with... PROJECTS!!!! DUTIES!!! WORK!!! TEST!!!! STUDY!!!! hmmm....i was told by a collegue of mine which i think its definitly right. if you don't work hard to achieve,you will never get what you wants.Because success and achievments does'nt drop from the sky.But it comes all from the hard work you put in... |
![]() | it's a long time since i post my blog...time for some tidy up....that's when i have lots of time.just post some randoms of what happens during the holidays. random #1 library chalet at aloha loyang on the 10th -13 of july: it was a success,we have lotsa of fun mixing around with the year1s.what i cun forget is our treasure hunt games and the ufo joke from mei bao who 'entertain' us 3 whole nights,making me with sleepless nights.really must thanks the library teachers and people who come to make it a success!i wil try to organise 1 more before we graduate. random #2 dragon boat on the 14th of july at SSWC(singapore sports water club): it was another activity organised by the library ex-co and teachers.we had real fun building up great team spirits and bond between the fellow lecturers and students despite of the heavy rain and water current. random #3 chalet at east coast on the 17th-19th of july: organised by rohaizat and girlfriend.rush over after work and play...tong whole night talking with mus,clinton,sarin and friends over a common topic...guess what it is! it about R_V_T_I... random#4 mus is sick...: this guy...what should i say,keep on eating and would grow fat.look what happens to him now?sick....listen to doctor always dear...never trys to eat more than your own estimation...haix... random #5 xian yao's birthday party on 19th of july: i gonna have fun torturing this friend!!!!watch out xian yao....and happy early 20th birthday.... |
![]() | 2 more days and what i had looking forward for this holiday will come!the chalet and dragon boat activity!going fishing later at night and shooping in the noon. read blog of a friend's girlfriend. i found out something,why must she say as if everytime she was the victim and other people is the criminal?from what i heard and look in her 2 precious blog,she is really very posessive to my friend.saying female friend around him until like a bitch or whore.sorry to use such offensive words but i know how the female friend feels like.she calls umpteen of times to his phone just for a chat?hello,that's what we call a spot check(with over 10 calls).its so terrible!could'nt the female friend and your boyfriend be what they were like before(good friends) even she confessed that she like him?YOU ARE JUST TOO SENSITIVE.you did'nt even want to get real,always living in your 'forever and ever' world!the girl had really give up and wants to get back a very good friendship with him than losing a friend.COME ON LA!GET MATURE OK?18 years old already still thinks like a kid,no one will snatch him away,friends are just friends....get real!your boy needs freedom also,don't call him so many times.it's so irritating for a guy when he is outside or even at home.your calls are like bombs,or landmines.your guy need friends to care to talk to,not all problems must tell you.most importantly,HE NEEDS ALOT OF FREEDOM!!!if i was him,i already broken up with you.i don't even care whatever 3years relationship or scare you get cheated outside! message to the girl who keep get stab like minced meat: no matter what happens,we will be by your side.if really getss the chance,mince her up like shit! message to the pity guy whose freedom was taken away: lucky you have a good friend like her at your side...call your girl stop being selfish,if not...your know what i will do if you were me.because...we both have the same character... |
![]() | it's almost a whole month that i had not post anything in the blog.friends around are already starting to complain for more updates.i was totally busy about school and work.planning for the chalet for library,meeting in student council for after holidays activites in school and finally,what i have to do everyday.WORKING TO EARN A LIVING.sometimes i really get very tired to work after lessons.but what to do?i got to support myself. when to quite a handful of places during my off on thursday with mus.school for lesson,sentosa for my islander card,ang mo kio for movie and changi village for dinner and sunset.so tiring. went back to school on friday even there was no lesson.for student council meeting again and library matters. from this moment of time to 22july IT'S MY HOLIDAYS!!! totally filled with activities like library chalet event,rohaizat's chalet,dragon boat and malaysia shopping!!!not forgetting my work also...as usual... |